
Profiles of Success

Automotive, Business Owner


I started my first business venture — a limousine company — in the 1990s. Within three years, my business grew to about 25 employees and 15 cars. Even though business was booming, I still worked seven days a week and had little time for my family. After about 13 years, I sold the company and started a small transportation company with hopes of spending more time with my family. But that venture didn’t turn out well, and I had to find a job. So I started working for an airfreight company, but I still longed to own my own business. So I tried one network marketing company after another in hopes of finding the thing that would allow me to make enough money to support my family.

In January 2002, a young lady involved with another network marketing company introduced me to PPLSI. I knew I’d finally found an opportunity that could help me reach my goals.

After six months, I took a leave of absence from my job and concentrated fully on PPLSI. After 14 months, I became an Executive Director. I am truly grateful that I was introduced to this wonderful opportunity. Because of this wonderful company, I was able to retire my wife, Shirley. At the 2003 Las Vegas Leadership Summit, I won a brand-new Ford Mustang. I gave it to my daughter Danielle. But my greatest accomplishment so far has been achieving the prestigious PPLSI Ring with the help of our awesome organization. I want to help as many people as possible reach their dreams and goals. How many times have we heard someone ask about the validity of PPLSI’s compensation plan? They ask, “What happens if it DOESN’T work?”

I am living proof that IT DOES WORK when YOU WORK.

On October 2, 2009, I suffered a debilitating stroke after a team training and was rushed to a nearby hospital’s emergency room. There I was given immediate service and sent to intensive care. Days later, I was transferred into a private room and put into the rehabilitation wing. Four weeks later, I was released from the hospital — still with right-side paralysis.

I hesitate to think what would have happened to me and my family financially if I still had a job. I had catastrophic medical insurance to take care of my medical bills, but nothing in place to help meet my other financial responsibilities — nothing except PPLSI. While hospitalized for virtually the whole month of October, PPLSI sent me commissions, Performance Club checks and other bonuses. Had it not been for PPLSI, I can’t think what would have happened to me. A day doesn’t go by when I don’t think about others I know and love, and I ask myself what would happen to them if they had been in my shoes? We all must take PPLSI seriously and treat it as a BUSINESS, not as a hobby.

I have much to be thankful for — especially to our company founder, the late Mr. Harland Stonecipher, for his vision and determination and to my fantastic, devoted, hardworking team of associates, Team Dynasty.